Emily Bronte

  • 网络艾米莉·勃朗特;艾米莉.勃朗特;艾米莉勃朗特;艾米丽·勃朗特;爱米丽·勃朗特
Emily BronteEmily Bronte
  1. Love and Friendship by Emily Bronte


  2. Emily Bronte s Gothic Complex and Wuthering Heights ;


  3. Its author Emily Bronte is also immortal because of this work .


  4. Two Exotic Flowers Flourishing in the Wilderness & A Comparative Study Between Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson


  5. Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte , a woman writer in the nineteenth century English literature .


  6. Wuthering Heights is like a wonderful flower in British literary history , which is the only novel of Emily Bronte .


  7. Emily Bronte published Wuthering Heights in December , 1847 by her pseudonym .


  8. Britons have chosen a line from Emily Bronte 's novel Wuthering Heights as the most romantic in English literature .


  9. Emily Bronte reveals the duality of human nature through the characters and the conflicts and harmony be - tween them .


  10. Less than half of Brits ( 45 per cent ) correctly named Emily Bronte as the author of Wuthering Heights .


  11. These were Charlotte Bronze 's Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte 's Withering Heights .


  12. Heathcliff was the well-known revenger in the novel Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte .


  13. Infatuated by Emily Bronte s mysterious and powerful description , readers easily overlook the moral and social reason in Wuthering Heights .


  14. " Jane Eyre " author Charlotte . And " Wuthering Heights " by Emily Bronte sisters .


  15. Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte which is alone sufficient to establish the unshakable status in the history of world literature .


  16. Therefore , a brief introduction to Yang Yi , Emily Bronte and the English and Chinese versions of Wuthering Heights is made in the third chapter .


  17. Charlotte Bronte , Emily Bronte , and their gifted sister Anne Bronte came from a large family of Irish origin .


  18. TOP1 . " Whatever our souls are made of , his and mine are the same " & Emily Bronte .


  19. Natalie Portman has bowed out of the upcoming movie adaption of Emily Bronte 's classic Wuthering Heights .


  20. Charlotte Bronte , Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte are the three most outstanding and fascinating female writers in United Kingdom and around the world .


  21. Emily Bronte , a19th-century English novelist who is famous for her Wuthering Heights , can also boast of her genuine poetic talents .


  22. Emily Bronte 's novel Wuthering Heights and William Faulkner 's A Rose for Emily are familiar to common readers as two typical love stories of revenge .


  23. Emily Bronte , nineteenth Century British novelist , emphasizes in her novelWurthering Heights the needs of the human spirit over man 's materialistic desires .


  24. Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte , known as the famous women writers of 19th century in Britain , wrote Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights .


  25. This article analyzes the narration characteristics of Emily bronte ? S novel ," wuthering heights ", from the following three aspects : narration time , narrator , and narration strategies .


  26. Emily Bronte and Emily Dickson


  27. Britons have chosen a line from Emily Bronte 's novel " Wuthering Heights " as the most romantic in English literature -- just in time for Valentine 's Day .


  28. Wuthering height is a masterpiece by Emily bronte , a famous authors in the19th century . catherine , the heroine in the novel has confusing characters .


  29. Emily Bronte has been regarded as the greatest woman poet in English literature . However , she becomes famous for her sole novel , Wuthering Heights , whose structure and vision is unique .


  30. According to freud 's psychoanalytic theory of narcissism , Emily Bronte suffers some traumas in the period of self-development , which leads to her narcissistic inclination .
